
Dasm Granth

Dasam Granth means the “tenth (Gurus) written compositions” compiled in one volume. The Sikh panth as a whole gives great respect to Dasam Granth and regards it as a vast ocean of knowledge and information. After our eternal Guru, Guru Granth Sahib Ji the Dasam Granth is the next most import scripture in the Sikh faith. So why has a small minority of people suddenly become so vocal against it? Why are so many accusations being hurled against it ? Why do some people , who from the outside look like genuine Sikhs forsaken the Dasam Granth? So without much ado, let’s delve into this mass of confusion and misinformation and clear up the misconceptions. 
  the Sikh panth has never had any controversy with Dasam Granth Ji. Guru Gobind Singh Ji bestowed the Guruship to Adh Granth Sahib Ji and bowed to Guru Granth Sahib Ji in 1708 and as a Sikh nation we have been bowing to Guru Granth Sahib Ji ever since , we shall always bow our heads to Guru Granth Sahib Ji till the end of time. There is no argument here yet these people create this issue deliberately to cause confusion in the minds of ordinary Sikhs. The reason is that once the ordinary man on the street thinks that the authority of Guru Granth Sahib Ji is being challenged then he also will try to reject Dasam Granth Sahib Ji. Time and again it has been repeated that the authority of Guru Granth Sahib Ji is never an issue, but still these people persist to propagate this theory.